Our full coordinates are

Please contact us at :

Phone: 0040-722.426.310

Registration number J40/2688/2023
VAT Reg Number: RO47623749

Office address:
Alexandru Vlahuta -2 Street, Block M50, 3-Building, 6th Floor, 89 Apt,
Bucharest-3 District, Postal code 031021, ROMANIA

You can buy the Cherisse Silk Scarves at :

-HELLO SINAIA - Concept Gift Store din Bd Carol I nr 19, parter hotel Rina Cerbul SINAIA, ROMANIA, Mon-Sun 10.00-19.00

-THE ROOM SHOWROOM -Concept Store, Str Episcopiei nr 6, 1st Floor, 1 District Bucharest, close by Romanian Athenaeum, www.theroomshowroom.com ; Tue-Fri 12.00-19.00, Sat 12.00-16.00

-Shop-Online on www.ciocolaterie.ro Gifts section, with elegant gift set for women: Chocolate box and silk scarf

In other concept gift stores, all over Romania, soon....

or you can send us an inquire at hello@cherisse-design.com.

Happy to assist you to find the perfect gift!

The Values of the Brand:


Cherisse values creativity and celebrates the unique expression of individuality. We believe that creativity is the key to unlocking your potential to bring to life something truly beautiful and inspiring.


We believe that fashion can be both beautiful and eco-friendly so when it comes down to our products, we only choose sustainable materials: eco-friendly ink, natural silk, cotton/wool, eco-friendly packaging to protect our products from damage.


Cherisse values quality in all aspects of its products and services. We believe that our customers deserve the very best, and we strive to deliver products that meet the highest standards of craftsmanship and durability.


We value authenticity and believe in being true to ourselves and our customers. We believe that honesty and transparency are essential to building trust and long-term relationships with our customers.
All rights reserved - Cherisse Art & Design SRL
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